When there are so many things to do but you are left with not a lot of budget, old kitchen cabinets become a headache. With just little creativity and practicality, you can save your old units in many ways just like repairing the hinges of your kitchen cabinet doors.

Doing it yourself is a big option that you can choose. Armed with the right tools, and plan on how to improve your cabinets would be a good way to start it. Below are some of the ways how you can deal with those:

1.    Re-finish

When your cabinets are made of good wood, one that you would like to save, and at the same time, displays its natural tone and texture, re-finishing should be done. Just adding some gloss on the cabinet, you can already make the old one look fashionable and appealing.

There are different kinds of finish that you can choose from. If available, always go for one which is specific for the kind of wood your cabinet is made of. If you do not know the wood type, you can always go for coatings made for general wood.

2.    Paint

Colours really give your kitchen a lift whether you are using vibrant or neutral ones. They help you fix any loopholes in the theme that you have for your kitchen. You can accentuate your kitchen more with painted cabinets. No one would even know that what you got is an old one.

Painting your cabinets would cover cracks, stains, and other factors that make them look old. If you properly choose the paint colour to be used, you can even make your cabinets look expensive. Just be sure to use wood paint to maximise the potential of your cabinets.

3.    Remodel

If there are parts in your old cabinet that are really hard to fix, or cannot be fixed anymore, you can always remodel it. You do not really have to stick with the original design. Kitchens with improvised models actually look more appealing than those which are not.

The way how you remodel your kitchen cabinets reflects a lot on what kind of homeowner you are. If you are more on the creative field, this is a good chance to demonstrate it.

Remodelling also means to increase the function of a thing. If your old cabinet would not be able as much storage that you want it to hold, you can always use it as  a preparation table instead and the likes.

Have you ever wondered when to have kitchen replacement doors? When do we exactly change ours and why we should do it? There are different reasons behind the decision of homeowners, but most of the time that is to improve the overall appearance of their kitchen. How about you?

It is a tricky question since replacement doors are not that cheap. They should be in high quality and therefore would need enough preparation before the purchase. But what do other people think about new doors? Below are the top reasons why replacement doors are quite popular:

1.    To save energy

Containing the air coming from it would make the conditioning faster if you are using air conditioner both to make the room warmer or colder. The faster we are able to achieve the desired temperature, the lesser work for your air conditioner, and of course less power consumption.

But if your kitchen is not close enough to contain the air easily, your conditioner would exert more effort just to make the area’s temperature better. This usually happens when the kitchen door is not fitted well to the jambs.

What you can do is examine why it is unfit. You can do this by placing a candle inside the kitchen, turning off the lights, and see how much light is still being seen outside the kitchen. Get a good estimate of it, and add it to the original size of your door and use the measurement to buy the new door.

2.    New members of the family

When there are new members in the family like babies and extended families, you surely do not want them to feel uncomfortable. Their safety is also your priority. You want to make sure that your home is secured from intruders that may harm them. If your kitchen door looks like it can easily be broken into, change it.

Replace your door with one which has good hinges and locks. Burglars can easily get into the house through misplaced hinges and weak locks.

3.    Squeaking sound

You surely don’t want to disturb your family early in the morning when you are preparing meals or when you are going on a business trip. Even when you have good intentions, still they can be jeopardized if your kitchen door is squeaking loud. The annoying sound coming from the door would surely disturb people in the house.

So go ahead and get a new one if the squeaking door cannot be remedied by oil anymore.