To save some money for other needs, you can actually do the kitchen replacement doors on your own. But you have to make sure that you are getting the right size of door with the previous one. As much as possible, choose one which has the same material with the first. Those will help you make your installation smoother.

It doesn’t require too much experience for one to be able to do this. There are even manuals provided by the manufacturer to make sure that you are being helped throughout the whole process. Some of those that you would find there are the following:

1.    Align the hinges properly

Hinges are very critical to make a functional door. They are essential in making your door last long. They would determine if you would be able to close and open your doors smoothly.

Make sure that your hinges are aligned properly by tracing them with a pencil. Put some markers as your guide before installing the screws. If they look crooked, do it again. If you do not, you might have a door which is very hard to open or very hard to close. That would frustrate your purpose of having it in your kitchen.

2.    Make sure that the bolts fit the holes

Some homeowners would use nails on the holes of their hinges because they found out that their bolts are not workable. This thing would leave ugly marks on your cabinet or on your door jamb. It would also make the door unstable as nails would bend easily especially due to tension unlike bolts which are staying on their own places most of the time.

Check if the bolts that you have fit in the holes of your hinges. If not, contact the shop where you bought it for immediate replacement.

3.    Let accessories be the last item installed

Accessories of doors are just made to make them look attractive. If you have some on your door, install them last. Prioritise the basics like the locks and knobs. By the time that you see the basics are already stable, install the accessories appropriately.

However, some accessories are difficult to install and you may need a professional service to have it done. If you would really want to do it your way, research properly so that you don’t waste time, effort, and resources. Utilize the manual as much as you can to avoid big mistakes.